Monday, November 19, 2012

State of mind

I sound brilliant at nineteen. I don't remember being particularly happy, but I sound at least interested in things. I seem to have had a lot of ideas. I was just as afraid as I am now, but possibly a little less self-conscious!

I can't sleep tonight. All of the things that I feel I should be doing are keeping me awake. Overeager worries about the future. Desire to want something strongly (other than a person). Desire to walk around unknown places at unexpected times. Nothing interests me at times. All I want to do is snuggle in bed and indulge my appetites. Nothing creative, nothing important.

Monday, June 21, 2010


First day living on my own in a new city.

It's a blender of feelings.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Day One again I guess--I lost count.
This isn't really a 'day'; I just thought of a cool, useful invention whilst in the shower. In its infantile state, at least, my idea is this: A cell phone [or, probably cheaper and smarter, a walkie-talkie] that lives on the exterior of one's vehicle [bike, car, skateboard, but please nothing really trivial, except maybe a left shoe] and can be rung up by the vehicle's owner at convenient times, such as when the owner visits the City and neglects to pay careful attention to where she parks; this can be more or less troublesome, depending on the city and the length of one's legs. Therefore, this handy hood-mounted phone [or wheel-hub-mounted, I suppose] can be dialed by its lost pedestrian, and answered by anyone who happens to be passing by. Simply ask the person who answers the ring where said person/car is [approximate street address, cross-streets, colour of local awnings], and you've found your car again! Also could be handy in case of burglars.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Day Fifteen: Wonder something.
I wonder why guides to planting seeds always have to make it fake, as when they say, 'Do such-and-such to imitate winter', when really you can just use the REAL winter and plant those seeds accordingly. Be like the squirrels, man, be like the squirrels.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Day Fourteen: make a beefcookie.
Or invent a funny word. Either one will win my heart.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Day Thirteen: shop once at Victoria's Secret, and thereby get rid of all your money.
Also true. Don't go to this place. They don't even have comfortable underwear. And they call it by strange names.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Cola tastes like blood. Deny it and you're obviously a vampire.